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​​​​​​D5.1: Lab Test protocols and set-up​


​​The scope of task 5.1- of which this deliverable report is the result- is to select and to identify procedures, testing protocols and analysis methods for self-inspection techniques aiming at the reduction or elimination of quality and performance gaps between the design and construction phases. This document provides the guidelines for the application of the identified procedures and for carrying out the lab test activities and analysis of the findings. Starting from the selection of a set of measurement parameters for the evaluation of thermal, acoustic and geometrical parameters and defined parameters from WP1, the procedures for their evaluation have been defined and described in details in this document, from Section 3 up to Section 6. An important effort has been put within Task 5.1, in the identification of positioning systems able to interface the different sensors allowing their integration/interconnection. A list of candidate positioning systems has been reported in Section 7. Once the results of each measurement procedures have been obtained they will be integrated into the Building Information Model of the building under test, the section 8 reports the protocol to integrate devices data and transfer them to BIM. Another objective of Task 5.1 is to perform lab tests to validate the self-inspection tool based on measurement parameters in a simplified context. A pilot test case has been used for testing the identified procedures and building performances analysis. The test case is a simplified mock-up where the complete holistic tool developed in INSITER will be tested before its application in realistic contexts. Section 9 of this deliverable is focused on the presentation of the first results obtained by applying the thermal, acoustic and structural integrity procedures for the quality control and energy efficiency evaluation of the pilot test case. The first example of integrated results starting from the connection of sensors data to the BIM and ending up with their inclusion in an Augmented Reality application has been demonstrated. To conclude the work, section 10 introduce the guideline to evaluate the lab test and the follow-up R&D.​



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T his project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 636063.