SIEMENS INDUSTRY SOFTWARE NV (SISW) is a mid-sized high technology industry active in test and mechatronic simulation in the automotive, aerospace and other mechanical industries. With a unique combination of mechatronic simulation software, testing systems and engineering services, the company tunes into mission critical engineering attributes, ranging from structural dynamics, noise and vibrations and sound quality to durability, safety and power consumption. With multi-domain and mechatronic simulation solutions, the company addresses complex engineering challenges associated with intelligent system design and model-based system engineering. The transportation industry is a major market for SISW, with an emphasis on the automotive and aerospace sector. The company is ISO 9001 certified. It has more than 1000 employees, of which 350 at its Head Quarter in Belgium, and has sales and support activities all over the world. SISW has an active research and development department in the domain of its products. In the field of noise and vibration analysis, source localization and sound quality, SISW is and was partner in several Flemish and EC-funded research projects and training networks. Since January 2013, SISW belongs to the Siemens group.
Main roles in INSITER
- T1.2 and T1.3: Providing advice on the use of measurement and diagnostic instruments to be embedded in the self-inspection techniques.
- T2.2: Being a key contributor in research on advancement of hardware tools for self-inspection, especially regarding equipment related with acoustic and vibration aspects.
- T3.2 and T4.2: Active participation in the development of interfaces and/or API between the hardware and software tools, as well as with BIM.
- T5.1, T5.2 and T5.3: Performing lab testing and validation of the self-inspection tools; providing the tools for field validation and demonstration.
- T6.1, T6.2 and T6.3: Providing input to development of training modules and being a linking-pin to the networks of equipment providers; publications in professional journals, workshops and presentation to professional associations; development of exploitation strategy and plan.
- T7.1: Active participation in management meetings (general assembly); fulfilment of all obligations for reporting.
Key persons involved
Dr Karl-Janssens (male), received his Engineer diploma (1995) and PhD degree (1999) from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. He joined SISW in 2001 and works since then as RTD Division Manager in the Test Division of the company. He has over 10 years of experience in the areas of vibro-acoustics, rotating machinery, noise source identification, transfer path analysis, sound synthesis and active control. | |
Dr Jacques Cuenca (male), joined the Test division of SIEMENS in 2014 as a
Senior Research Engineer. He received his BSc diploma in physics from the
University of Paris 7, France and MSc and PhD in acoustics from the University
of Le Mans, France. His areas of interest include acoustics, material
characterization, condition monitoring and structural dynamics. | |