The INSITER story has reached the mid-term and is now over the half of its lifespan. Tangible results are becoming more and more visible and the INSITER consortium has become a real team. The successful meeting in Ancona marked this milestone and had as main goal the disclosure of concrete and actual results developed in the past few months. The consortium partners got an initial feel for the procedures and software that will be used in INSITER and have discussed the technological hurdles to be overcome in the next period. All partners have attended the meeting and enjoyed two nostalgic days sitting on the university benches of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences of the Polytechnic University delle Marche – our meeting venue.
The first day of the meeting started with addressing general project matters (management and financial), continued by five presentations consisting of five deliverable reports due at month 24. These reports summarize the most tangible results so far and set up a vision- and at the same time a framework- for the upcoming tasks and reports to be developed. On the second day of the meeting, the INSITER consortium was given the great opportunity to have a look behind the scenes at UNIVPM. Next to the insightful facility tour the consortium partners had a chance to watch the live demonstration given by the university team of the INSITER measurement procedures and tools for thermal, acoustic and air leakage identification. All this was demonstrated on the DRAGADOS mock-up panel installed in the UNIVPM laboratory.
Following the validation of the protocols' demonstration, the audience was captivated by the Fraunhofer developed Augmented Reality (AR) application visualizing various construction actions, such as, assembly processes or construction errors. For a minute or two, each partner had the chance to get in the shoes of a worker on site and tried out the AR tablet in order to identify where the acoustic leakages occur or got instructed on how the placement of the insulation panels must be done.
In this context, the BIM based mobile inspection application was demonstrated by DEMO Consultants. The BIM model of the INSITER use case of the Health Care Centre has been integrated in the iPad application and can now be easily accessed. This tool is not only visually attractive, but it is also and interactive one. Next to visualizing the building (in this case, the designed roof-top extension), the tool also displays data concerning the properties of its components, its construction and ongoing maintenance, while allowing the worker to monitor and adjust the information. Altogether, all the indispensable functionalities when performing self-inspection and self-instruction on site.