Several stakeholders and employees from DRAGADOS factory participated in this workshop and applied methodologies new and unknown to them, including the acoustic scanning devices and the use of AR hardware and software. The involved stakeholders included MEP specialised subcontractors, permanent and temporary factory white and blue collar staff, quality managers, the Factory Director and in particular, DRAGADOS Director of the Prefabrication Division attended some of the demonstrations.
The workshop included detailed presentations of the different demo cases carried out throughout the project and hands on trials where the different technologies were tried out by the workshop participants.
After a short introductive training, the handling of the devices was intuitive and easy to learn.
The use of AR and Acoustic Testing (through SoundBrush) was shown to practitioners in the Seville factory of DRAGADOS. Feedback taught us the positive attitude of the practitioners towards the new technology and the positive influence on quality. The key message consisted of an indescribable desire of simplifying processes through known and often utilised devices, making these processes working more fluently would lead to higher efficiency.
All in all, the feedback and suggestions from the stakeholders showed generally high appreciation. The necessity of integrating this working method through new, modern and connected devices which facilitate the working process was strong.