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​​​​​Work Package 4 

​​This work package is led by partner Hochtief ViCon (HVC). The aim is: 

  • To establish and validate comprehensive BIM (containing components, buildings and sites), and to generate BIM-based self-instruction models for construction and refurbishment, accessible on mobile devices of construction workers and other stakeholders.
  • To develop a harmonized and standard way to communicate the different entities involved in new construction, refurbishment or maintenance phases of a building; and create a possibility to integrate feedback information from the construction workers (‘blue collars’) to BIM. This has a direct relation with skills development, as well as knowledge management at project and organisation level.​ 

​​Research in this WP will be carried out within the following areas:

  • BIM modelling of new and existing buildings, addressing the levels of detail of component, building and construction site.
  • Integration of data from 3D laser scanner to BIM, especially for modelling of existing buildings.
  • Development of BIM for integration in energy services platforms (Building Management Systems, energy performance simulation tools) and the integration of information from 3D digital models into the BIM.
  • Lifecycle BIM that evolves as design, construction, and as-built models of the buildings.
  • Issues of “BIG DATA” and harmonisation of different data sources.
  • Data interfacing between BIM, hardware instrument for measurement, and software tools for assessment.
  • Development of self-instruction models

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The Netherlands
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T his project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 636063.