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Objective 1

The targeted main achievements associated with this objective are:

  • ​Developing realistic design models with validated constructability, performance level, and lean processes in Building Information Model (BIM). Almost in every project, a great deal of the mismatch is caused by the limited awareness about the real building and site circumstances when the client and design team define the quality and performance targets. BIM in INSITER will evolve throughout the building’s lifecycle.
  • Quantifying functional, quality, comfort, thermal, acoustic and energy properties of the building across its lifecycle, i.e. as-required ↔ as-designed ↔ as-built / as-refurbished ↔ as-occupied ↔ as-maintained.
  • Reducing more than 50% of embodied energy (total sum of energy) of new and refurbished buildings, and thus leveraging and capitalising the full performance of EeB based on prefabricated components, including re-use and recycling. Self-inspection will be applied during the design, production and installation of the prefab architectural, structural, and MEP/HVAC systems. Replicability and mass-customisation will guarantee cost effectiveness of EeB while fulfilling large variety of user demand and geographical condition.  

DEMO Consultants B.V.
Delftechpark 10, 2628 XH Delft
The Netherlands
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T his project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 636063.